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Pollinator Resources

Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants and about 35 percent of the world’s food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce. More than 3,500 species of native bees help increase crop yields. Some scientists estimate that one out of every three bites of food we eat exists because of animal pollinators like bees, butterflies and moths, birds and bats, and beetles and other insects.

You may have heard that bees are disappearing and bats are dying. These and other animal pollinators face many challenges in the modern world. Habitat loss, disease, parasites, and environmental contaminants have all contributed to the decline of many species of pollinators.

The pollinator resources on this page are designed to help landowners learn about the benefits of introducing pollinators to the farm and which plants will enhance populations throughout the growing season.

IDNR Urban Habitat

Pollinator Partnership

Invasive Species Council

Xerces Society

IN Wildlife Federation

IN Native Plant Society

IDNR Division of Fish & Wildlife

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